Silence on my end. For very long. I have been mulling around inmy resignation from the School Board, organizing my contract for next year, packing and liquidating our house, and...oh yeah...getting robbed and losing our computers. We came home from a climbing trip, brought our things inside, collapsed on the bed for a moment of pause and relaxation before the all-present task of unpacking....then heard a noise. Walking. Movement. The lady that lives below us was out - her car was not in the driveway - and we were both within eyesight of each other, unmoving. Who was walking?!? Who made that noise? I got up, lurched my way towards where the noise came from, and at the same moment our door rang. The lady who lived downstairs had come to ask "what the hell is going on?!?". Then I knew something was amiss...I looked down the hallway, and saw open doors. I looked at my table and saw a blank empty space where my computer should be....we had been robbed. Called the cops, got everyone outside, grabbed my knife and started going through the house, door by door, closet by closet waiting to penetrate a mans flesh with my humble camping knife. But...nothing. Once satisfied that the robber had left, we waited outside for the cops to come. They did. They looked, they poked and prodded, and then basically told us that our stuff was gone, get on with life. End of story.
That ended our computerized life for a while...but we did not stop living the life of BC. In the meantime we have been out climbing a lot, hiking some, and taking some moments to look over our city that we once, well I guess we still do for a while, called home and considering the good and bad times therein. Mostly good, which is not exactly what I expected the firt day we drove into the city limits and set our bags down on the floor of a seedy motel to start our search for a home and for work. So long ago, so much we have changed.