Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Walking up mountains, Crossing Borders

Here are some Rockies picks, and a little outside of the Rockies.

This is Crystal and I taking a break while hiking up Whistlers Mountain; quite the hike after having sat most of the last four/five days in a car.

Crystal looking over the scenery below.

Me, Trevor, taking a break in the sunshine. Actually had a nap near here - imagine waking up cloaked with the pouring nuclear heat of the sun, accompanied by quips of a Pika looking for nest materials, nestled upon a boulder overlooking the vastness of the river valley below; not a person to see, not a whisper to hear, not a sign of humanity. Safety from the purveyed need to socialize and take part in the common slush of what we have created in social society.The dregs of tourism, crowds, commercialism, capitalism and ignorant culture washed away from your soul. Small 's' soul. Just you, an animal among other animals, needing not to speak a word, needing not to abide by a law; freedom, in this case, could not be any more free.

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