Thursday, November 23, 2006

Craving a Carving

Well, it has come down to the choice between continuing on with the diluted goal of carving a chess set, and that of carving whatever the hell comes of teh carvings. Sort of like evolution, only it is not based on genetic mutations but based on my mutations...wait, this sounds like a god I god?

I prefer to think of it as a digression of form, from the knight to the might (become something recognizable). Here is a photo that, although lacking in importance, shows the workspace. Below is the latest status of the talc. Soapstone. Whatever your fancy. Can you see it becomming a Knight? I should have gone for the Queen....the queen would have been so simple, so symmetrical, so profoundly more EASY than the insurmountable goal of carving a Knight. But, alas, it has to be done if the set is to be done. Also to note, this will apparently be a grossly oversized set.

Am I god? Lets get back to that.....


PS - snow tires are a bad thing to leave until they are needed. they are best to have before they are needed. Just so you know. Experience talking...and god, apparently.

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