Saturday, January 06, 2007

Compromising the Truth for the Blindly Faithful: Again

So, the new year is here and so am the keyboard...typing away and breezing through missed posts from my regular list of 'must-reads'. And, not that it is a profound thing to have found something on the Bad Astronomy that excites me or angers me, I came across a relevant and purportedly accurate dismissal of truth. There is a story, which you can read for yourself by going to, that details the power of a fake god over truth, science, knowledge and history (the real history..the one that is for animals and plants on Earth some 4.6 billion years old). From there you can link to myriad sources that carried the story (unfortunately some are from Fox News ... not the source of any resounding intelligence).

To summarize, it was told to the National Park employees of the Grand Canyon that they were not to tell tourists about the geological history of the canyon, the age of the canyon, or to delve in any way into the realm of science and sedimentology - in the fear that doing so may insult the more pious (read: stupid) and those who believe the biblical version of Earth. They were to negate their science knowledge and their geological prowess and tell people only of how beautiful the park is.

Theism is insulting.

Have a nice day. I didn't after reading about this.

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