Saturday, February 03, 2007

100 Posts Ceremonial Blabber

This, then, is post number 101.

And I give you nothing less than cranial fodder or cogent ramblings and of course an arena for slighted thoughts and dirty dishes.

I wonder if I can floss my nose.

Let us get to that tomorrow.

Does it come with a manual?

Happy reading. In lieu of making any post here that is coherently focused on some aspect of my disdain for political and commercial redirect, unfathomable disregard for christianity or likenesses of religion, disrespect for CNN or FOX news, or any further and non-trivial comments on the aspect of our anhedonic lifestyles...I will share a quote.

"It will last at least two years"
Spoken to me as I bought a new computer. New. 2007. Destined to last two years...if...IF...I take care of it. Otherwise, it will last only a portion of said two years. Goddamn Jesus Christ Mohammed Yahweh bible burner- Why do we perpetuate waste and perpetuate the need for it. In the name of capitalism and in the name of money - Vista up your evolved anus, Gates.

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