Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tectonic Travels: Through the heart of the rockies and emerge (almost) unscathed

Ok, alright then. Enough of wine and bread (I should note that the bread loaf now has an offspring, quite as good as the first). Let's get back on the road. You know ther is a lot to show and a lot of memories to try to paste here, and I am sure that I am missing a lot of it by only addign photo's and a few poignient words to add clarity to the image. So, i have decided to write out my journals, and keep a better track of the events that way. So, when you come across an enrty for my journal, it may be a bit dry, like a journal usually is to anyone else, and it may be worth skipping. I am writing it out so I have a transcribed version, digital and official. It will come later. No need to scurry around and try to find it now, or try to find it so that you can avoid it....make sense?

Here are some more pictures and thoughts form around the mountain area...the bird pic is actually from Alberta pre-mountain period. Sorry.

So, a little chronologically reversed but without doubt a nice picture. At least I think so. Wo shi zou-lu zai shan. Poor chinese..poor...poor....I am walking around in the mountains...near the Athabaska Glacier.

This is the marker (there are not a lot of these across this fair Country) that tells you to make the suitable adjustment to your clock. It is always nice to gain an hour. Always nice.

Alas, after waiting and postponing my lunch I was able to get a good photograph of this bird. The patience of an ornithologist is not easily procured....nor should it be easily underestimated.

Gorgeous picture. Rockies, on a beautiful clear and warm day....

Elk. This one tried to trample me...scary moment where I was left wondering if I would survive this encounter. It backed off, thankfuly, as did I. Although it looks close...the zoom does wonders.

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