Regardless, if you look in the right places and ask the right people, a deal can be found and a trip can be affordable somewhat.
And it is beautiful... was with the hike to Jasper! This is the pair of us sitting placidly on the top of one of the more muted mountains in Jasper. We just parked on the road and took off into the mountains, so I am not exactly sure which top it actually is but regardless is offered a majestic view. We had a cougar scare on the way up, but after consternating investigation it was found to be a rosk. A cougar coloured rock, at least. Ask Crystal for details!

Another shot of the two of us in the warmth of the late summer sun. Dammit, could I not just spend more time here.....

This pic certainly does, as justice is not done to the magnitude of the view and of the rocks. This looks like a measly rivulet scarring nothing more than a sandy dune on a beach - how can I express the audacity of geology and the grandeur of knowing how old, how spectacular, and how massive these rocks are as pervasivley as I feel it?Amazingly beautiful...humbling....diminishes the importance of one's life some. Did I properly apostrify the previous "one's"?
Can I somehow FORCE you to like geology, and view the world through my lithologically preset retinas?

Crystal on the previously described rotten and perilous side of the mountain. Looks pitifully serene from the pic, certainly wasnt. It was actually the thrid or fourth time this trip that we reached a point in our pedal travels where we were too threatened to go down, but didnt want to go up.
Up, oh, up went we;
throught perils and fear;
To the top and in the sky to see;
to recognize our lives as importantly mere.
That was my ode to evolution - yes, it is an ode to evolution. I do that sometimes.
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