Saturday, November 25, 2006

Prince George

So here we are. Some comparative pictures of the PG.

Above: Prince George during the day. Can you spot the mills?

Above: A closer look at the city. Cloaked in a snowy bliss....

Above: PG at night. Its a little blurry...I couldnt hold still long enough in the -30 c so I accepted a little shaking on my behalf and thus a little blur. Speaking of cold, tonight I played a game. Two, really.

The first - "How long can I stand outside and try to find Taurus (the constellation)?"

The second - " How long can I hold my hand outside before it is shocked with pain?"

Both came with the same answer - about 24.8 seconds. Its that cold here tonight.

< Above: What PG would look like if exactly at the time I was taking a picture a massive earthquake occurred.

Above: Yes, yes, yes....there are logging trucks.

Ok, a brief look through my eyes at PG. And a logging truck sign.

take care...

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