Browse over here, and either download or play the video. It is about 6.5 mins long, so it is less than a good cup of coffee...although if I am the norm my coffee was spit out at about the time the first lady began to speak. I will sum up some of her fundamentalist thoughts: "its just easier to teach the bible...it makes more sense...". So - she is allowing her child's mind to be shielded from research, truth, investigation, evidence, fossils, radio dating, gas chromatography, AIDS research, cancer research, malaria pills, hydrology, biology, geology, physics, chemistry, free speech, pedology, climate research, anthropology, ... , in lieu of something that is just easier for her uneducated, free-thought deprived mind. She believes the bible because it is easier, and therefor so should all her children (who I hope were brought unto this world through a union presided over by god). It gets good at points, it gets weird, it gets emotional (Nobel laureate for creationism....!!). Check it out. The first guy actually believes the literal version of the bible, and he is allowed to, uncontested, force feed it to the children. Abuse. Nothing but abuse.
I need to go get more coffee because between uncontrolled laughter and astonishment I spat mine out....it was damn good coffee too.
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