Thanks to the tenets of the biblical version of science (a duality that seems not to be too far in line with reasonable co-ownership of truth...) there has been a great creative boom that has ended (thus far ended) with some photoshop re-prints from biblical times. Well, biblical times refers to a time that never existed, so let's change that to "times when the bible was actually thought to be true by the majority of intellectually sound and educated people".This, of course, omits (still) the truth-bashing anti-biological science and anti-evolutionists of the belted south of N. America - but they may live in fundamentalist peace until their fundamentalist views clash with an even more fundamentalist point of view (has that happened already? .... hmmm...).
Ok, off track. Thanks to the creative bent of the mind(s?) at Daily Kos (link to this above) there have been some ironic pictures circulating. These are the only two I have unearthed so far, but they beg the internally flamed question of how does the 6000 year old Earth schema hold true with the geological, biological, physical, chemical, anthropological, archaeological, paleontological....understanding of a much, much, much, much, ...., older planetary body that we have, in stepwise fashion, evolved on?
Science is not dogma - ideas and understandings change. Science is not fundamental. Ideas and understandings change. That is the key premise of science -to unearth the truth in the search for more truth. Thus far, the truth has taken us far down the road of understanding, quite well beyond the momentary road stand of religion and mythical belief systems.
It begs the question of why science and atheism is not a profoundly positive and enlightening viewpoint to those who apparently seek the truth. Or do they seek the truth of their pre-disposed positions.
Enjoy the pictures.
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