Monday, April 23, 2007

Scare-Crow: Arguing a Dead Opinion

Nothing short of a gregarious attempt to cajole innocent minds to a world of bad science and disinformation, religious pounding continues to ignore the words of their opponents and choose to make up their own, and stuff them down our throat without us being there to stop the stuffing.

Although I attribute my fury to nothing other than cognitive deceit, I append to said fury the relegation that the problem at hand will never end. Never.

Straw man arguments are bred on weak premises. Straw man arguments are futile in their purpose when in conversation with learned others. If, for example, you use a fake counter argument to bolster your position and the person you are talking to knows nothing (or very little) of the topic at hand (obviously I don't infer lacking of intellectual abilities, simply a lack of context on a given issue), then the straw man argument can hold ground.

If you lie to someone who doesn't know you are lying, then it is taken as truth.

Now, the inciting literature that I met up with today was a publisher-anonymous report on Dawkins and the theistic movement. It stated, in more stringent terms than I can reproduce herein, that Dawkins and the revival of atheistic premises are founded on a lack of love, reality and a desire for people to die.

Which, of course, is nothing but a lie. Nothing but a lie.

I realize that the only counter that the christian and mormon (whom were specifically elevated to a tarnish-free level of beauty) ideologies do nothing but teach love, and Humanism teaches nothing but hatred and the like. I wish I could have stolen the issue from the desk on which I saw it, brought it home and quoted it completely. However, as an atheist I saw this an an unruly and unjust movement. I chose not to steal because I felt, as much as I realized that the content was fabricated, that it was not mine and that somebody was eager to read it. It was a stringent christian, so I also realized that it would only fuel his contemptible knowledge and not change his mind or serve as a push off the fence.

The stinging nettle in my mind is this: this is one of many publications that are propagating disinformation, lies, about a topic. Forget what the topic is, the fact is that it is a lie. And it is done on purpose. No questions.

And to attack purely on personal indictable comments, fake as they are, and ignoring the reality of the biology and the science that serves as confidence in understanding.

Paralleling this, I could make the same synopsis of Sir Isaac Newton:

Sir Isaac Newton "discovered" gravity.
Sir Isaac Newton did not like cats.
I like cats.
I, therefore, don't believe in Gravity.

The idiocy of that statement is played out everyday that a personal attack and straw man arguments are pushed forth as purported evidence against biology, science, genetics, mutations, anthropology, evolution, geology, and any further knowledgeable study. I cannot fathom the contempt of science in light of false premises and astute lies. Astute, because they are constructed, programmed and targeted to promote their point. Their lie.

So, to the authors of this article of scholarly-deceit, I feel proud to defame your name and to defame your contemptible attack on fake ideas and to base your indoctrination on your own constructed thoughts. Rot in hell - I know you believe in it.

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