Thursday, August 16, 2007

Organic: I dont even mention my distaste for religion

This is an interesting and coherent approach to organics and health; it is far too parsimonious to link sandal-wearing-commune-living lifestyles to the solution to environmental degradation. Although that lifestyle and schema is vitally linked to subtle and non-subtle changes and advances in human society, it cannot stand alone as the chordate of change. There needs to be evidence, strengthened with awareness campaigns and unequivocally segregated from politics. The link above (about a 10 min video with links) assumes this role.

Farmers need options that they know will work.
Buyers need options that they know will help them and the cause of environmentalism.
Politicians need to realize, through the power of vote perhaps, that conglomerate run enterprises cannot be the structure of knowledge and decisive voice in what is right and wrong; Monsanto cannot, must not, be allowed to put their bottom-line above societies health. The health or Earth, a planet of billions of species, cannot be at risk for teh benefit of simply monetary based groups.

There is fantastic science out there - not elaborate and confusing genetic science, not dogmatically boring science (not that genetic science, or "boring" science - not my vernacular usage, I assert - is bad or useless, I am just positioning that it does not catch the public eye or ear, something that science must do a better job at) - but science that does not capitulate to the masses, but rather works for the masses. It is legible, tangible, evidenced and prolific, and it just may work if given a chance.

This video ascertains some personal duty to this, and spells it out. Obesity, health problems, CO2, environmentalism, organic, words that can be solved without the hand of corporate stock based incentives and priorities. People need to take back the world from the 'mighty dollar', but first they must know how. Step one, learn. This is a good as any of a place to start to learn.

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