Here I am starting the walk through the meadow after a sturdy climb up the first mountain section. Dripping with sweat, legs aching and heart pounding I set off across the boggy expanse of the Caribou Meadows...
ABOVE and BELOW: Caught this feller (or fellette) in the meadow and was followed by its song for many minutes as I crossed its path and found my way along the trail.
Finally!! I reached Viking Lake, nestled within a cirque or barren ridgeline above in the distance. The water was clear, perfectly clear and, based on the vegetation types I saw submerged, the water level was quite high. Absolute beauty.
Yes, posed. However, I did take a nap in this very spot afterwards and took my time at the peak...soaking up all that the billions of years of tectonics and evolution had to offer at this place.
BUT - we cannot avaoid the inevitable truth of such a view. With a good view comes unsightly realities, especially in Prince George. Below are three pictures of a clearcut section(s). The first pic os of both, the second and third are close ups of the clearcut on the right. On average a clearcut will be ~80 ha in size, so I will assume that both of these are around that. So, most likely we have 160 ha of desecrated forests...well hidden from view of the rest of the public who dont venture into the backcountry.
...and then I found a mushroom.
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