...on our new climbing rope! Our majestic yellow and blue and red baby.

The view from the road - driving out of Vancouver, en route to Chilliwack, on a gloriously sunny and warm day.

A buttercup with the pollinators doing their thing.

A lunchtime break along the backroads of BC. On our way to Marbl Canyon.

Further moments of our lunch break - pondering the canyon.....

Marmot! We also saw a baby marmot, scampering about in the rockfall below this fella.

Marble Canyon! This is me preparing the rope (which was well tangled) to set up the anchor and the climbing route.

Rope set up, harnesses and gear on....Crystal is getting ready to climb.

....I think this is her after that first climb.....

It was 4pm by this time and the heat....the heat!!!

Gear set-up. Note the cool rope!

Crystal climbing.

Us, between climbs and baking in the glorious sunshine of the canyon. Well, its more of a valley. Marble Valley.

Me, on my way down after a climb on the second route we set up.

Still on my way down.

Once we made it back to camp, and despite the raging heat and the dry air, I craved coffee. Thanks to Robin donating his old coffee pot, we were able to have a nice brew on the side of the canyon and watch the evening approach.

...and approach it did. This is Crystal standing beside the lake we camped on.

Same lake...

...and in the morning, the wildlife was taking full advantage of the early moments. Here, a loon peruses the morning mist and searches for breakfast.

Speaking of breakfast...here is Crystal over a morning bowl of cereal and cup o'coffee. Bhind her, way off in the distance, is a portion of the climbing rock from yesterday.

And me, dufing the same breakfast, enjoying both the warmth on my skin and the glorious goodness of ceareal in my bowl.
Then we packd up, and headed home - 6 hours of BC scenery and sunshine!
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