Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Religion Kills More. Is this news?

Sometimes it is nice to placate yourself and pretend that all the news that is heard on the radio (or television, for those who own one and pay for their dilapidated service) is in a realm other than your own and that it doesn't really reflect upon you at any tangential instance. your life is separate. But, of course, this is not a significant thought. It happens all the time. I am guilty. I am aware of my guilt, as many are, and I pry myself to act on that guilt and to at the very least learn from the news. The very least.

However, I must say that global news renders me tonight in a viral state of intellectual anger and disbelief.

Is this actually happening?

But, of course, again, it is. It most definitely is. And happening all the time. Not just at the top of the hour, not just a 6pm, not just when you breeze through your web-news site of choice. It happens at all the resolved minutes in between. People are dying, places are burning, cultures are ruined, pollutant spills are occurring; life is happening, some of it good and some of it bad.

This is nothing new, I realize. But sometimes the news, as I said, perturbs me to a point of despair. How would you expect a rational atheist, immune to the need to respect islam, christianity, judaism, ..., react to this (and I herein paraphrase):

CBC: So let me try to sum up all of what you just said. Are you telling us that a woman from a non-arab community travelled to an arab region and spoke with a man. After being found speaking to him at his house the community ganged up and brutally murdered her, in what was called a "mercy killing"?

Iraqi Journalist: Yes, that is correct.

CBC: And is it correct that the murderers immediately sent, via telephone camera, images of the mercy killing?

Iraqi Journalist: Yes, that is correct.

It is infuriating that this happens, in bleeding 2007, in the name of a fake myth (is there any other type, I know), a fake, misogynistic, sexist, homophobic, murderous myth that allows, with expected respect, this to happen. Was it not enough that they cleansed the earth of this heathenistic woman for 'talking to a man of a different faith', but they had to advertise, in high pride, their triumph. That an innocent, young female, young to the world and ignorantly, in its most honest invocation, living a life that besieged no one, had to die today is an account of ghastly despicable religious control of the world. Of course, I know, religious dogma is despicable, but to the end where a young woman woke up today innocent to the world, and died today innocent to the world, at the hands of unknown men because she spoke out of turn, churns my stomach and evaporates any glistening drop of belief that religion is but a entity to be scorned.

This is above the main story line. This was a small, subverted side-story to the real one! The main story was about the religion based suicide bombing that, at this point, killed hundreds. This was an appendix to the story of religion killing innocent people. But I am glad that it was an appendix, and was not overlooked. I am glad that it was not overlooked. I am sickened by its occurrence, but delighted that it made it out of the bloodied hands of the horrid men who slayed her ("her", unnamed still only adding to the faceless death and the limitless destruction of rights from religion) and to the ears of us.

Some of us will care.

More of us should.

More of us should realize that religion deserves no respect. Religion deserves no time. Religion deserves nothing but eradication, enlightenment and burying deep in the annals of history. Remember it, for sure, but forget it.

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