Monday, May 04, 2009

Giscome: Climbing them rocks, again

Well, well...another (aka the second) trip to the rocks. Last time we came here there was snow on the ground, a chill in the air and I wore a touque most of the day. This time, no chance. Sun, sun, sun and I came home with bronzed flesh. Nice intro to my summer habits in the outdoors.

Robin, playing a tune (and resuing me from having to carry down the guitar)

Me, near the start of my climb.

Me near the mid point of my climb, Prudence in the foreground.

Putting all my trust in Robins belay techniques and his opinion of what was "fast enough"...Robin S looking on.

I think at this point I was realizing that my arms were done for the day, yet the mind...the mind pushes one upwards!

And Robin, the other one now, playing some exit music to this post.
G'bye fer now.

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