Now, I am not an astute ornithologist, so I may get a detail or six wrong here but I am claiming this to be the aforementioned 'feverishly hungry bird' aka a Gray Jay. We were aking a break after work, pre driving the almost two hours home through strenuous roads and logging trucks, to snack on some peanuts and bask in the cold, sunless sky. Then, a bird heard the cracking of the peanut shell, and ZAM! there were four of them, crankily arguing over territory and a chance at our peanuts. Cute little ones, they are.

Well, this is us...check out my "do". I thought it was fashionable but it got less than favourable reviews from the dictatorial rest of the research group. So, it is gone. I think that is for the best.
Handlebar stache, rest in your unforgotten peace.

This is the rabbit that was not very shy at all, and allowed us to pause (in the truck) along the road and stare. It stared back. Then it scampered away. Here is it scampering. Exciting commentary, no?

Us, preparing for work in the snow. Goodbye warm truck, hello frigid forest and icy water.

THumper, again. Note the intermediary 'clothing', not quite summer garb, not quite winter garb. Kind of like a zinfandel, if you will.
So, that is it. Oops, more pictures. Hold on.
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