Friday, December 08, 2006


This is a view of the main street on the island. There was basically one main raod that circumnavigated the whole island, and then a few that crossed in the middle - it was actually a little confusing at times despite its simplicity.

This is me climbing in the crevase again. A little blurry, but whatever. Fearing snakes and other local troubles I was hesitant to go shoeless, but then I became inspired and felt there was no way to pass up the chance to climb a tree - root, really- in the morning sun.

Here is a Taoist (pronounced Dao-ist) temple on the island. One of many temples, Taoism is a very integral part of their lives second to Buddhism. We arrived at this temple the day before when they were having some sort of sacred parade and observing the birth or death of some deity. It was hard to get information that made any sense...despite our chinese abilities. The temples (Taoist) are quite elaborate and colourful, and have many deities inside where people visit.

Me in the ocean, trying to cool off if that is at all possible. Humid and hot, more so than simple words can convey.

Climbing in a crevase in the bedrock along the coast. I think I was doing this barefoot....trying to save my sandals. This was off limits because it presented too much of a danger to the people there, so it was blocked off. However, there is no way to actually stop people other than a sign, and as the only danger it REALLY presented was nature and nature alone, we went in. THe people are very cautious and very, at times, uneager to comingle with nature. At other times, they are at one with it. It presents a strange balance when you are trying to explain to people things you did and things you want to see or do - they will most often respond with "that is dangerous..dont do it" but at times they will do many things that I would never dream of doing. Difference in perspectives of danger based on our cultures, I learned.

Trevor eating at a roadside stand - great food everywhere. Everywhere!

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