Friday, December 08, 2006


Well, here we go. Sporadic as it may end up being, there will be now a string of Taiwan posts, replete with pictures and commentary on what I was thinking and what I (we) learned during the experience. I will not post all of the daily photographic jabber that may fill in the interstices of my photo album, but the most prominent ones will hopefully make it here. These will not appear in chronological order of my (our) time in Taiwan. They are from fall 2005 to early summer 2006, where I livec in Hualien Province, Taiwan. This batch are from LiuChiu Island (well, actually Xiao LiuChiu meaning small liuchiu, and the island of Taiwan proper was at one point regarded as large liuchiu...). It is a small offshore island in the south-southwest that is quite populated.
ABOVE - Me at a very aged relief station......not operational, but what a view.

ABOVE - Me sending my best across the ocean to Taiwan proper, and Crystal keeping warm with the aid of a Cathay Pacific complementary blanket (dont tell Cathay Pacific...they are not really complimentary blankets...). This is late in teh evening, and we are astanding on an eoded cliff. The end of the grass that you can see is the end of land, and the drop is about 15 m to the ocean shore. Beautiful scenery and a shard of the sunset was visible.

ABOVE - A typical scene of a family on a scooter.

ABOVE - A fishing boat at dusk (taken from the Taiwan proper) going out for the nights catch. These boats mean good food to be bought in town.

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