Comet Holmes, well established in the blog sphere and astro-literature (yet to hear about it on "real", also credited with the nomenclature "organized", news agencies - repetitive updates on strike moves, sports updates and hour long previews of contemporary celebrity lifestyles deemed far too important to shelve for a peek into our universe and a tinge of science and reality) is peering out beyond the clouds intermittently tonight, but last night it was well in the open. Cold wind abating for a few days, I was able to stand outside and revel in the inspiration of seeing a comet - a chunk of ice from the vast distance of the solar system - without the usual chill of winter forcing me back inside.
I managed a semi-decent picture of the comet, nestled piercingly within Perseus, and took photographic liberties with awesome views of other favourites of the night sky.
Comet Holmes, find the backwards "L" and it is at its bottom end. The bright one near the bottom left is Capella. Go 45 degrees to the right and you hit another bright one dubbed Mirfak. Follow from Mirfak down one bright star and then from that one go left about 4mm. That really wont help. Look it up on a site that took the time to label it prior to posting it, perhaps!
Two beauties of the evening show. Lyra, with Vega glistening its prominence of the night, and Cygnus (the Northern Cross) diving down towards the horizon.
The asterism that everyone knows and loves, The Big Dipper. You can see Polaris near the top right (follow the last two stars in the ladle of the dipper north [up] and you will run into almost true north)
Just wanted to share. Go take a look at the sky tonight (to the northeast) for the comet and tomorrow morning (near Gemini, in the East) for a treat of a planet.
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