I traveled on foot from misty fog and warm shrubery to frozen snow covered mountaintop wetland. It was wonderful, and trying.
Gets me everytime. Every time.
And then....the Caribou Flats of the ridge line. Atop the peak of this ridge, after hours of hiking upwards through the massive cedars and hemlocks, the green mossy floor, the running streams and nattering songbirds, the forest opened up and gave a fiesta of emotion. The snow was now ankle deep at times, enough to hide the near liquid sediment ground that allowed me to, early on, amass much mud on my boots and have it duly frozen in place! When my feet were not falling through marshy vegetation and slopping about in the watery highlands, they were feeling their way across some of the most beautiful ecology that I have found so close to home. The alpine was ahead, unattained for this trip, but after my glimpse of what was here the return is unavoidable.
I kept on through this section for a 1/2 hour or so, took lunch and bundled up to head back down. After some brief re-con with a map at home I realized that this trail actually connects to two others, and a fabulous overnight trip is available, necessary even.
The land will be wet all year long, not just a seasonal trait, up this high and with such rock below and I am wondering about the 'skitters and flies. Time will tell......
The view on the way down through the foggy conifers. Mystical, in its most non-mystical meandered meaning.
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